New Petition at– protect our attorneys that blog about corruption

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The petition:

we petition the obama administration to:

Enact Federal Whistleblower Litigation to protect lawyers from being disciplined for blogging on state court corruption.

Currently state courts are experiencing a significant level of corruption. Many attorneys are beginning to blog and disclose the corruption and state agencies intended to “regulate” attorneys are being subject to the same levels of corruption and are prosecuting and persecuting these same attorneys rather than protecting them.

The state agencies (such as the Illinois ARDC) are fast turning into “cover up agencies” and deny the defendant attorneys all discovery, all defenses — even the First Amendment – 47 USC 230, the Internet Decency (Immunity) Act, Reporter’s shield laws, etc.–even truth as a defense. They take the standard of “false or with reckless disregard for the truth” and turn it into a dark aberration of what it was. (Prof. Tarkington, IU school of law).

Created: Jul 10, 2013
I need 150 signatures to make this “live” on the Whitehouse website to get even more signatures.
Please vote for the petition

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