EMERGENCY–Volunteer Attorney and Volunteers needed in a massive civil/father’s rights case with state Kidnap of new born male child by DCFS of Illinois

Just when you think the State of Illinois couldn’t possibly get more corrupt, I learn of a new case.

Here are the facts.

Last week a child was born to two unmarried parents.  The father is a vet honorably discharged who is just getting back on his feet after being kicked out of his mother’s home in Probate when his mother was recently guardianized. He was her long term caretaker.

But last week, something great happened.  He became the father of a beautiful health baby boy.  He lived with the mother during the pregnancy and supported her and tried to get along with her.  But from time to time she would disappear for a few days, sometimes saying she needed a break, sometimes she would provide a myriad of excuses.  No problem, he would just take care of her while she was at home with him.

He has an apartment and a minimum wage job which he desperately needs to keep. The VA helped him obtain housing (for sure the Probate attorneys and court couldn’t be bothered with all of that–they just kick people out of homes with no notice, but only after they seize and kidnap grandma and all her assets and hand those over to clouted lawyers and law firms.  Forget your inheritance.  A lawyer got it.)

The son was born last week, mom had been home with dad and everything seemed fine.

But on the day he went to pick up mom and son from the hospital, day 2 after birth, he found out mom had run away when DCFS snatched the baby because drugs were found in the mother’s system (allegedly cocaine).

The father knew nothing about his partner doing any drugs.  He doesn’t drink or use any drugs.  He was in shock.  The mother told him the time and date of a preliminary hearing, and he appeared, they gave him a Public Defender, but dad explained to the judge he had done nothing wrong, he was named on the birth certificate and he wanted his son back.

Now here comes the dicey part.  The judge didn’t care.  He told him to take a paternity test (which takes 4 to 6 weeks), comply with everything DCFS demanded (why? he had done nothing wrong), and then if all was well, he likely would have his baby back by Christmas!?!?!?

Christmas, excuse me?  This is a father who already raised one child, has had no contact with DCFS, and he can’t have his own son at home with him?

What judge does that?

They didn’t even bother to serve or notify the father.

I’m not licensed because apparently according to Jerome Larkin, head of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission and the Illinois Supreme Court, an attorney can’t tell the truth about lawyers and the court system on a blog and still have a law license.

So please contact me if you can help. Clearly this guy needs an emergency petition to get his son back NOW.  He needs a paternity test with results in a few days, not weeks, and DCFS has no right to “make him comply” with anything if he has no history of child abuse or neglect, which he does not.

Dirty little secret (okay it’s actually a well know issue), DCFS gets a hold of a kid, they take away the child because one parent has a problem or is neglectful, they get state money to place the kid with foster parents (not all of whom are good people, they don’t test for psychopathy), and then what you do is put the innocent parent on a “program.”

It starts out innocently enough.  But then the “program” turns into drug tests twice a week for months on end.  Some of their testing facilities turn out to be dirty and dodgey.  (I have plenty of prior news articles and you can find them on how state agencies tend to choose testing facilities with a lot of (false) positive drug tests, because that’s what DCFS wants and the drug testing facilities comply–until the owners are arrested).

Then comes the “surprise” tests where you have to come in same day or in hours.  Problem is, many employers will fire you.  Dad gets fired, DFCS then has a reason to remove the kid and they don’t have to deal with a civil rights suit.  They will claim they were right all along, when in fact they gamed a clearly corrupt system.

Or, better yet, they assign a caseworker to “supervised visits” who comes back with a string of nasty false reports.  (There are plenty of these videos out there too).This is another way to avoid a civil rights suit and keep the Title IV funds flowing in.

What kind of  a judge does this?  The father did nothing wrong.  He should not have to “comply” with a bunch of silly monkey tricks–most of which ensure a protective parent will fail.

So far, DCFS told him to take 2 drug tests a week for 6 weeks.  He is supposed to meet with a case worker and counselor to make sure he will be a “good father.”  Excuse me?  When does the state step in after birth and test fathers for being good?  Who gave them such a ridiculous right?  You can bet if this guy had money and an attorney standing there he would have walked out with the baby.

I told him he only has to meet with a good, competent attorney who will fight all of this.

DCFS put a hold on the birth certificate at the Dept. of Vital Statistics for Cook County, so he can’t even get that.

This is Illinois government at work, and so far, it looks like the work of nothing but corruption.

What a horrible, horrible, evil system.

This is the exact reason the ARDC doesn’t want me to have a law license.  It’s because I care about your rights and civil rights and the rights of fathers.

They don’t care and they won’t get an attorney to replace me for all their perfidy and mendacity.

So the public suffers.  So good fathers suffer.

But now you know another dirty little evil secret of Illinois government.

So call, text,  or email me if you can help or get an attorney to fight this nonsense and massive violation of the civil rights of a new father and son.  Please contact the news.  We must put an end to these cases.

I find this all utterly disgusting.

JoAnne–joanne@justice4every1.com, 773-255-7608

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